PA Installation

PA Installation

We can set up permanent sound systems. We have installed public address systems in golf clubs, village halls, pubs, restaurants, leisure centres, churches, schools and in many other venues across the South East of England.

We can also provide 'multi-zone' public address systems. For example, in a leisure centre we can provide a sound solution for the poolside, sports halls, fitness studios, and speakers for outdoor use, meeting the needs of these differing acoustic settings.

We can also provide the installation of hearing aid loop systems.

We specialise in:

  • Installation of speakers, microphones and hearing loop systems
  • Repairing hearing loop systems and adding them as an addition to your current PA system
  • "Health checking" your existing system and suggesting improvements
  • The hire and installation of temporary PA systems.
  •  Church online streaming services

If you already have a public address system and would like a "health check" or additional speakers, microphones, or any other upgrades, please call us today.

School installations
We have installed sound systems in the corridor areas of schools, used for background classical music, used to create a calming atmosphere for the children. This same system can be used for general announcements and to pipe a school's 'radio station' output such as podcasts and other such pupil-created audio. Outdoor speakers can be added to cover such areas as the school playground, and it can be supplied with a battery back-up for emergency use.

Leisure Centres
We can provide speakers for coverage around the poolside, as well as the sports hall areas of the centre. The system can provide music as well as available for announcements, taking into account the challenging acoustic environment that a swimming pool can present.

Village Halls
We can design a sound system for your village hall, which will include a secure equipment rack, and a system that is easy to use for those who use the village hall.

We look after many church sound systems, and are always on hand for when a microphone doesnt work, or when issues occur. We can also "health check" your system and help with improvements. We also provide streaming facilities with good quality live video and audio. 



Tel (01303) 242085 or Email your requirements to

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radio, mixing desk and amps Commentary box and horn speakers Some of the radios we have for hire